
Our Planet First.

Meelie Mobile supports responsible tree planting. Help us to plant more …

Meelie Mobile and Ecologi ​

We have some really exciting news and delighted to announce that we have partnered with the team at Ecologi. With the help of you (our amazing customers!) we will support their tremendous work to fight climate projects and plant as many trees as we can.

Who are Ecologi?

An amazing company with an awesome vision! The organisation works with a tree planting partner ‘The Eden Reforestation project’ to plant millions of trees around the world.

Trees are crucial to prevent ecological collapse. They are also one of the best tools to tackle the climate crisis and keep temperatures from continually rising.

Ecologi also invest money into other projects that remove greenhouse gasses. Each month they select the best CO2 reduction projects with Gold Standard Certification.

How to get involved?

So from November 2020, for every review we receive on Trustpilot, Meelie Mobile will make a donation to Ecologi, who will on our behalf plant a tree across the globe.

How can I see how many trees Meelie Mobile has planted?

You can keep up to date on our tree planting progress by visiting our virtual forest. When you click on any of the trees in our forest, you will be able to view the individual tree number, and find out what type of tree was planted and which project it belongs to.

Image Credits: EDEN Reforestation Project | Ecologi.